Friday, 5 August 2016

What is needed on a hot summer day?

Answer:  Cold food, comfort food, ice cream = Cold Comfort

Located at 1115 North Park Street off Cook Street, one will find Autumn Maxwell churning out her artisan ice cream in her shop, Cold Comfort.

Cold Comfort uses organic milk, eggs and cream from Avalon Dairy on the mainland.  Local herbs and fruits are incorporated into flavours.  All other ingredients, if not organic, are natural omitting preservatives, artificial flavours, starches and stabilizers.  This is what makes Cold Comfort ice cream denser than commercially produced ice creams, and full of rich flavour. 

From classic vanilla bean on a chocolate chip cookie to Hoyne's Dark Matter, Cold Comfort offers detectable flavours for those wanting something completely different. 

Over the 6.5 years Cold Comfort has been in existence I've tried East is East, a tangy tamerind flavoured ice cream sandwiched between an almond dacquoise, Hoyne Dark Matter, Mexican Hot Chocolate, Avocado Lime Margarita, Salted Caramel, Salted Caramel Whiskey, Bad Medicine and several other flavours.  Flavors vary depending on what fruit may be in season or what Autumn may decide to create. 

Available in Pints, and

Scoops, two scoops and in two different flavours if one desires or can't make up their mind.

Outside seating is available on North Park and a little bench area beside Cold Comfort. 

This customer is enjoying a classic vanilla bean on a chocolate chip cookie. 

Cold Comfort recently was listed as #5 in the 23 Places to Get the Most Mind-Blowing Ice Cream.  Personally, it is the #1 place in Victoria to get mind-blowing ice cream!!!  

Thank you Autumn Maxwell for being a part of the local food community. It is always a pleasure to meet the hard-working people who run their own businesses. 

Follow Cold Comfort on Facebook to see what Autumn is churning up and hours of operation (it is a small owner operated business).  Open year-round. 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

A new Kid in the Neighbourhood

Kid Sister is back!  Moving from their previous location on Fisgard, Kid Sister recently opened at 10 Fan Tan Alley in time for Summer Solstice celebrations. 

I'd had a lone visit on June 13 to take a peek of the new location.  Brett Black, the owner, offered me a free paleta -- a Mexican popsicle -- made from coconut milk dipped in chocolate.  After chatting while I savoured my paleta, I promised Brett I'd be back and bring my partner. 

I keep my promises. One June 21st in celebration of Summer Solstice and the first day of Summer, we paid the promised visit to Kid Sister.  Being a kid sister myself, I like that Brett named his ice cream shop after his wife's placement in her own family. 

Situated in the historic Fan Tan Alley, Kid Sister is in a great location to cater to the downtown crowd and tourists.  Whether wanting a treat on a hot summer day, an afternoon treat or dessert, Kid Sister is the place to go. Although famous for their paletas, Kid Sister also offers ice cream scoops, waffle cones, sundaes and shakes. 

The Madagascar Whole Bean Vanilla served in a homemade waffle was devoured before we could get a photograph.  My partner took this photograph instead.  Trust him, it was delicious.  My coconut expresso paleta with chocolate covered coffee beans had a perfect java and cream ratio.  Sorry there is no photograph of it either. 

Ice cream is made in-house using organic Avalon milk and eggs. Locally grown Meyer lemons to make Marionberry Meyer Lemon ice cream. Coconut milk from Hawaii is used to make the dairy-free coconut paletas.  I've tried the coconut chocolate dipped and the expresso -- both are delicious.  Will be visiting again to try the coconut lime paleta.  The fruit paletas use locally grown fruit when possible. All the packaging is compostable.

Brett, you will be seeing us soon.  Thank you for your warm friendly welcome and taking the time to chat about your business.  It is a pleasure to meet the local business people who make our city such a wonderful place to live. 

Thursday, 14 July 2016

You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

  In celebration of the first week of summer vacation and Summer Solstice, we went in search of local dairy-free ice cream. Here's the scoop on what we discovered.

On June 19th we visited Parachute Ice Cream located at 2626 Bridge Street. Parachute is co-owned by Robyn Larocque of the Victoria Pie. Co and Kevin Fung, another local restaurant owner. Using local milk from Saanich and the Cowichan Valley, water buffalo milk delivered directly by McClintock Farm in the Comox Valley,  Parachute Ice Cream offers delicious concoctions.  Vegan ice cream is made with coconut milk.  All the ingredients in the ice cream are sourced as locally as possible, the brownies in two of the ice creams and the rhubarb crumble in another flavour are made in-house. 

Located near Second Crack coffee shop and several small businesses, Parachute Ice Cream may seem to be located in a strange location for ice cream.  Not so, along with Moon Under Water and Saltchuck Pie Co. on Bay Street, this is a growing neighbourhood for those of us who make our homes in the Railyards, across the Bay Street Bridge area or in the Gorge/Tillicum area.  Some of us prefer to visit local shops that are thriving around the Rock Bay area and enjoy not being part of the downtown busyness. 

I had a delicious vegan coconut brownie ice cream.  Very creamy, no overpowering coconut taste, with bite sized brownie chunks in every spoonful.  

Servings are offered in scoops or cones.  This is the waffle cone holding a yummy Cookies and Cream. A dairy free cone is available in the kid's sized cone. 

I enjoyed the Vegan coconut brownie chunk so much that I decided to bring a pint home.  This is the Vegan Chocolate Coconut, a rich creamy chocolate ice cream. 

Open Monday to Saturday from 1100 to 1900. 

Like their page on Facebook for updates on possible Sunday openings, events and new flavours.

Thank you to John Herbert for the photography and eating ice cream with me. 

Update: We dropped in on August 1st: pint jars can be returned for $1.00 off the next pint.  

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Terroir Tea Merchant

“There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life.”
- Lin Yutang, The Importance of Living.

A friend and I decided to explore upper Fort Street for an afternoon stroll and I wanted to have her join me  to visit Terroir Tea Merchant, the newest tea merchant in Victoria. I'd noticed Terroir Tea Merchant was on the list of participants on the Off The Eaten Track Tours, and as an avid tea drinker I definitely wanted to know more about the new kid on the block. 

The interior of Terroir is a modern, minimalistic style with warm natural wood, creating a space that doesn't distract from the featured teas or the steampunk tea brewing machine.  We were served by Charity Hobbs, owner and certified tea master.  Charity's love of tea began with the ritual of teatime with her mother and grandmother.  Wherever Charity and her partner, Jason, travelled they would try local teas or search out teahouses.  Charity decided the next step in her love for tea was to become a tea master.  Her training was undertaken through  the Australian Tea Masters Association while she and Jason were living there.  Being entrepreneurs, upon their return to Victoria, Charity and Jason combined their passion of tea and  their business sense to open Terroir on October 10th, 2015. 

Prior to ordering our cup of tea, we were allowed to view the tea leaves along the sampling table.  Opening the containers and smelling the oolong was a sensory adventure. 

I choose the Honey Scent Red oolong from Nantou, Taiwan. This tea has the flavour of honey, raisins and  spices with a malt finish that lingers on the palate.  This tea is a summer tea, the leaves hand picked during the summer months.   The processing of this tea is not roasted, it is oxidation which starts when the tea leaves are bitten by the green leafhopper.  The leaves release amino acids as a defence mechanism that create the sweet flavour and aroma.  A red oolong is actually what we call a black tea.

Charity brews all the teas in the steampunk brewing machine.  See this interesting machine in action:

Once our tea was brewed we were served the tea in a double walled tall glass vessel.  The glass is not hot to the touch, yet the tea retains its warmth. The vessel allows the tea to be viewed and to appreciate the lovely colour of each tea.  Oolong is brewed between 80 C to 95 C.  After my first few sips, Charity presented us with the tea leaves of our selected teas in a bowl.  Inhaling the brewed leaves, unfurling them and learning about the picking process is all part of the tea experience at Terroir.  Whether your looking for  a place to sit and savour an oolong, take friends somewhere new or get a tea to go, Terroir is a treat. 

I was impressed with the double walled glass vessel.  The outside was completely cool to the touch and the tea inside was hot.  I decided to purchase one, which comes with a "to-go" sleeve and lid. 

Terroir Tea Merchant offers tea workshops, chocolate and tea pairing events, teas for sale and gift certificates. 

Terroir Tea Merchant is located at 832 Fort Street, Victoria, British Columbia. 

Thank you Charity for your time, the two cups of tea and sharing the stories of your travels and tea journey.  With gratitude to you and Jason for becoming a part of the local business owners who share their passion and help to make this island an amazing place to live. 

Friday, 18 March 2016

February Fox Fair

After attending the last craft fair in December, enjoying Christmas and welcoming a new year, one finds February rolls in.  I like February in Victoria, it may be chilly and raining, yet there is the promise of Spring when I see all the snowdrops preparing to bloom.  Plus February is the month that my parents celebrated their birthdays, one at the beginning of the month and one at the end of the month. 

February also heralds the first craft sale of  the year.  One that comes after Christmas with enough time to save a bit of money to attend.  On February 13th I was joined by a friend to introduce her to this wonderful fair in the Fernwood Community Centre. 

The first booth we went to was for SaltSpring Kitchen Co. Melanie makes artisan jams and preserves in both sweet and savory offerings. As the name implies, this company is located on beautiful Salt Spring Island, one of the gulf islands of British Columbia.  Like many Salt Spring Island companies, Melanie started selling her products in the Salt Spring Island Market, a wonderful Saturday market well worth the ferry ride from Victoria to attend.  The jams are available in retail outlets around the island, including the Root Cellar and Salt Spring Island Cheese in the Victoria Public Market. 

Melanie was more than happy to allow us to test each flavour.  It was very hard to make a selection.  The Raspberry Habanero Jam had a kick to it at the end, and started to warm my tongue.  This jam is well paired with cream cheeses and is a great replacement to the spicy red pepper jelly I normally pair with cream cheese.  I was leaning towards the sweet jams, trying the Pink Grapefruit & Rhubarb Jam-a-lade, Sour Cherry, Rhubarb & Rosemary Jam and the Blueberry & Basil Jam.  All three jams were delicious, making a choice extremely difficult.  Luckily, Melanie had small jars in groupings of three, one savory grouping and one sweet grouping.  I bought the sweet grouping, which had the
Sour Cherry, Rhubarb & Rosemary Jam, the Blueberry & Basil Jam and the limited edition Winter Wonderjam (it is wonderjam!!!) consisting of strawberries, cranberries, oranges, bourbon and spices.  This jam made the most amazing homemade cashew butter and jam sandwich I've ever had.  Regret that I didn't buy a bigger jar.  I've eaten the other two jams with pancakes, the blueberry basil on a chicken sandwich with baby greens and sprouts and both on crackers with cream cheese.  The jams are not overly sweet and I found I could taste the fruit used rather than the sugar. 

SaltSpring Kitchen Co. has a website for online ordering, what products are available, a list of retailers and a helpful pairings suggestion tab.  Saltspring Kitchen Co.

Moving from the small gathering of vendors upstairs, we went into the main fair area downstairs in the community centre. I met several craft fair goers I've met at other fairs, and it was nice to see familiar faces and people who like me have a passion for supporting artists and buying local. 

I purchased a box of toasted coconut marshmallows from tout de sweet  and a bag of the caramel candy popcorn as a Valentine's Day treat for my man.  I met Jeanette Miller at the Craft Cartel when I purchased marshmallows and popcorn for Christmas stockings.  These sweet treats are gluten free, corn syrup free, nut free and made in a natural old-fashioned way.  The marshmallows are dairy free and I used them to make s'mores with gluten free graham crackers and vegan dark chocolate. These marshmallows make a delicious s'more and a decadent hot chocolate.

I had visits with the talented ladies who design and sew the latest additions to my closet.  Trapper Jane, Toy and Ming, Floating Gold Iceberg.  Angelica had new cowls at Floating Gold Iceberg and I couldn't resist purchasing this gorgeous deep blue cowl.  It looks stunning with the deep royal blue dress I purchased from Trapper Jane.  Floating Gold Iceberg carries comfortable creative clothing, tea towels, wrist warmers, cards and whatever Angelica happens to be creating, in addition to the cowls.   I like the cowls based on the different ways to wear it, from a scarf to a shawl.  I've been wearing this cowl, and the other one I purchased previously, as scarves.  Looking forward to summer and wearing them as shawls over t-shirts and summer dresses.  To shop for the beautiful cowls, and the rest of Angelica's creations, visit her website at Floating Gold Iceberg

I visited Joanne Thompson of Toy and Ming to see what clothing items she has been working on since seeing her at the Craft Cartel.  I have two of Toy and Ming's infinity scarves, a blue plaid and a Japanese fabric two-sided one.  This gives me three infinity scarves to wear with outfits in my closet.  Scarves are an addition to one's closet that complete an outfit, worn with or without a necklace. I didn't find anything to purchase unfortunately.  I did leave with a bouquet of feathered sticks instead, which now sit in a vase on my mantel adding to the outdoor items I continuously bring into our home.  To view Joanne's creative creations visit Ming and Toy

We are very fortunate to have such talented people sharing their creativity.  If you've never been to the February Fox Fair, I recommend marking your calendar for next year.  Usually around the middle of February, Valentine's Day. The event is found on Facebook, like their page for an update on 2017's fair.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Krazy for Kombucha

According to Wikipedia, Kombucha refers to "any of a variety of fermented, lightly effervescent sweetened black or green tea drinks that are commonly used as functional beverages for their unsubstantiated health benefits. Kombucha is produced by fermenting tea using a "symbiotic 'colony' of bacteria and yeast" (SCOBY). Actual contributing microbial populations in SCOBY cultures vary, but the yeast component generally includes Saccharomyces  (a probiotic fungus) and other species, and the bacterial component almost always includes Gluconacetobacter xylinus  to oxidize yeast-produced alcohols to acetic and other acids."

I've been drinking kombucha for a little over two years.  Starting with GT's Kombucha 
and working my way through their flavourings, from Gingerade to Third Eye Chai.  Commercial blends tend to be a bit more fizzy than the local brewed offerings or home brewed kombucha.  I drink GT's Gingerade kombucha when I've got an upset stomach much as one drinks gingerale for the same reason until I discovered local kombucha and the people who passionately brew "booch."

photo courtesy of Salt Spring Island Kombucha's Facebook page

The first local kombucha I tried was Salt Spring Island Kombucha Co. brewed on Salt Spring Island by Lea Weir and her husband.  SSI Kombucha Co. started three years ago selling at the local farmers' market on SS Island on a part-time basis until local stores and cafes became interested in selling their kombucha by the bottle.  Salt Spring Island Kombucha Co. then moved onto the Moss Street farmers' market.  Available in bottles in Victoria at Ingredients, Lifestyles Market, Mother Nature's, Niagara Grocery, Fairfield Market, Peppers, Ageless Living Market, on tap at Ingredients, One Yoga, Fairfield Market, Imagine Cafe, and by the glass at the Drake Eatery.  It's also available in Duncan at Duncan Garage and the Community Farm Store, and in Vancouver at East End Co-op, Dollar Grocer and Lana Lou's.

Lea brews and bottles Salt Spring Island Kombucha in a commercial facility located beside a lovely organic communal farm. Most of the herbs used in flavouring the kombucha come from the farm and the water used is Mount Maxwell mineral spring water. This creates a delicious authentic kombucha with herbal undertones that play on the tongue. Salt Spring Island Kombucaha, unlike other kombucha, uses yerba mate tea.  Yerba mate comes from the naturally caffeinated and nourishing South American rainforest holly tree. Yerba mate contains almost all of the vitamins necessary to sustain life.  This makes Salt Spring Island Kombucha, along with the organic herbs and the incredible mineral spring water from Mount Maxwell, one of the most healthful local kombucha products available. 

Like many people who start drinking kombucha, Lea started drinking kombucha when she was having digestive problems.  Her story is similar to my own reasons for having a kombucha habit; often those of us with gluten, dairy or both allergies find relief drinking booch. It truly is a miraculous drink, for those of us who get hooked, helping with maintaining health gut, healing from allergies that have played havoc with one's gut and for balancing gut health after taking antibiotics. 

My favourite flavours are the Lavender Mint, a light refreshing combination of herbs that play well with the tartness of the kombucha; and the Hibiscus Lemonbalm which contains two of my favourite herbs -- making this flavour my all time favourite. Recommend buying a growler and going to fill up at one of the on tap locations.  Follow Salt Spring Kombucha Co. on Facebook.

Peach Kombucha - photo courtesy of John Herbert

 Recently I bought my first meowler from Cultured Kombucha through 2% Jazz, filling it with Roll in the Grass.  I find Cultured Kombucha to be one of the best local kombucha offerings.  The idea behind Cultured Kombucha is to keep recycling the meowler or growler.  My meowler cost me $16.00 to purchase and fill, refilling will cost me $11.20.  Refill stations are located currently at 2% Jazz in the Hudson at Victoria Public Market, Mother Nature's Market, and Picnic Too.  It's also available on tap at Shine Cafe, and Hawk and Hen. Find information on their website Cultured Kombucha  or on Facebook. I follow them on Facebook for giveaways, which resulted in winning two meowlers of the Cranberry Lime limited edition flavour brewed for the Christmas/Soltice season.  I picked up the contest prize at Cultured Kombucha's brewing location on Rock Bay and met with Christine, the brewer behind this emerging favourite local kombucha.  We got to chatting about brewing and drinking kombucha.  I shared a pulled pork recipe using kombucha in place of gingerale or beer, and Christine shared her experience of second fermentation flavourings.

Christine was raised with a strong focus, sometimes extreme, on whole foods.  She has devoted much of her life to experimenting with healthy food.  Having spent many years working in restaurants such as Zambri's  and the Superior Café, Christine was exposed to a refined method of cooking. With this knowledge and experimentation with healthy foods, it was a natural progression for her to discover the delicious possibilities of kombucha.  Christine's driving force behind starting Cultured Kombucha is gut health, and sharing her passion for fermentation, resulting in an infinite and fantastic variety of flavours.  From Roll in the Grass, to Fall Into Spice, to the Cranberry Lime and the recent Peach, I can attest all four have been delicious. Peach tastes like summer in a bottle.

If you're serious about drinking kombucha, the investment in a Cultured Kombucha meowler or growler is worth the price.  A meowler lasts me about a week. I often check the Facebook page to see what Christine has brewed up. 

The lastest local passionate kombucha brewer I met is Jocelyne Van Horn-Voy, a herbalist who graduated from Pacific Rim College.  Jocelyne met me at The Apple Box on Cook Street, where her Enerchi Kombucha is sold, to be interviewed for this article.  Enerchi Kombucha is a family business consisting of Jocelyne and her sister, with support from Mom and Dad. Jocelyne starting make kombucha as part of her passion for fermenting.  Using a blend of oolong and sencha teas from TeaFarm in the Cowichan Valley (Teafarm) Enerchi Kombucha makes five offerings:  Plain, Black Current, Lemon Ginger, Turmeric Black Pepper, and Holy Basil-Rose.  For this article Jocelyne offered me four of the flavours: the Blackcurrant; the Lemon Ginger (because lemon with ginger is delicious); Turmeric Black Pepper (since I've been drinking turmeric milk and know the health properties of turmeric); and Holy Basil (since basil tea is a favourite of mine).  Enerchi Kombucha is less fizzy than other brands, delicate in flavor, and, when chilled, is the most refreshing kombucha I've tried.  The Black Current, Jocelyne's favourite, was a delicious, beautiful deep red, and not overly sweet.  I shared the Lemon Ginger with a friend as a morning after breakfast digestive. I'd say this was my personal favourite.  The Turmeric Black Pepper with Indian food would be a perfect pairing or with a picnic of egg salad sandwiches after cycling along the Galloping Goose.  The Holy Basil-Rose is such a beautiful blush colour.  I drank this kombucha as a digestive tonic after a breakfast of spicy poached eggs with Mexican hash.  All four flavours showcase Jocelyne's expert herbal blends and the knowledge she has learnt from her herbalist training.  Enerchi Kombucha is available at the Apple Box on Cook Street, the Farmer's City Market in Fan Tan Alley and Solstice Cafe.

Enerchi Kombucha -- beautiful bottled jewel coloured kombucha. Photo courtesy of John Herbert

Thank you to Lea, Christine and Jocelyne for their time and information on brewing kombucha.  We are grateful for the wonderful people who share their passion for food and Westcoast living. 

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Craft Fair Season

It is November, actually almost the end of November this being the 28th. November means colder weather and with a month before Christmas it is time to go to craft fairs.  I'm rather selective with my choice of fairs.  I've always saved my money to attend the University of Victoria one and have made that one the only one I've attended. Last year I ventured out to two other ones and did so again this year.  Last weekend I went to the first craft fair of the season at North Douglas Church.  Craft fairs are a wonderful venue to meet local artists and shop local.  At this craft fair I picked up some lemongrass soap from Carriage 44, a gift for my partner from Jody's Naturals and a wooden carved birthday card for a friend.

Today, November 28th, I went to the Craft Cartel which is the craft fair I've been waiting for.
I stood in line from 9:30 until opening at 10:00 to obtain a swag bag.  Thinking I was going early to be at least close to the front of the line, I was lucky I choose to be there when I did as the line up had already formed and I was about the 26th person.  I had two 50% off tickets and I gave one to a lady in line.  She was very happy to pay only $2.00 instead of $4.00, and I was happy to share one of the 4 tickets I received.  The other two went to co-workers. 

I bought another beautiful infinity scarf from ToyandMing made by the lovely Joanne.  Joanne chooses cotton plaids or beautiful Japanese fabrics.  I have been wearing the blue plaid infinity scarf  I purchased so much that I choose a navy flowered/brown diamond double sided Japanese fabric infinity scarf  for today's purchase.  Joanne also makes clothes that are functional with comfort in mind.

Decor by Nature was where I made my first purchase.  I saw this vintage map which is perfect for our home. 

This will be hung in our hallway complimenting John's framed photographs of Fort Rodd lighthouse, a sailboat in Cadboro Bay and our kayaking group off Willows Beach.

My final purchase was two teas from Infuse Herbals . Infuse Herbals are handcrafted local teas made with non-GMO organic, locally farmed and wild foraged flowers and herbs.  All tea blends have been created by a master herbalist, tested and screened for any impurities to provide the highest quality cup of tea possible. I had a wonderful chat with Sarah about her teas, smelling each one on display.  It was hard to choose between the rooibos chai, the gingerbread and the candy cane.  All of them smelt so good!  I bought the rooibos chai tea which is my favourite tea for the winter months and Fire Cracker a black tea with ginger, pink peppercorns, chicory and cayenne to make my next batch of kombucha.  Each bag will make 20 cups.


I made another purchase but I can't mention it here due to it being a Christmas gift.

Some of the items in the swag bag will be shared with friends, a ring, some earrings, a birthday card for John's sister Brenda and a card for Valentine's Day.

There were 50 vendors and some of them were:

In the swag bag there was some delicious Beckett's House of Fudge (they are on Facebook)  which John enjoyed since it wasn't dairy free. The two flavours in the swag bag were Brown Sugar and Mint.  I purchased a Memories of Mexico vegan fudge that I am savoring in little bits. This is hard not to eat all in one sitting!!!  It stores well in the fridge or it can be frozen.

I gave John the caramel sponge toffee popcorn from the swag bag made locally by tout de Sweet. All the sweets are gluten-free, nut-free, corn-syrup-free and organic.  The caramels and popcorn are not dairy free.  The lollipops and marshmallows are dairy free.   I tried some of the marshmallows at the craft fair.  Hard to choose a favourite flavour, the chai tea had me wanting to try this in a chai tea latte, I love toasted coconut so I'd probably choose that as a favourite, the vanilla for roasting and making s'mores and the chocolate or chocolate mint for hot chocolate or also making s'mores.  Taking the marshmallows with me next time I am going to be around a camp fire. 

A few of the items from the swag bag shown here:  vanilla & almond lip balm from Wild Hill, two magnets from Floating Gold Iceberg and the owl magnet which is an acrylic or oil painting from Janet McDonald.  Other items, not shown, were 2 pairs of the same earrings from Wind Coast Artisan Jewlery, a ring from Wise Lion, a pottery fortune cookie on a string from Blackbird Studio, a card from Miekelily, a hairclip in the shape of a leaf from Rock and Roots Apparel and a card made by Gwen Spinks. The bag of sponge toffee caramel popcorn from tout de Sweet and the two pieces of fudge from Beckett's House of Fudge rounded out the swag bag. 

I think next year I have to plan to save up my money.  I wanted a pair of leg warmers and  I saw an adorable mug with partners in crime on it.  I missed finding the sand blasted mason jars.  Possibly that was a good thing as I could have spent far more than I did. 

Next craft fair is the University of Victoria's UVIC Holiday Artisans Market on December 1st.

Remember, going to craft fairs are a wonderful way to shop local and support local artisans.  It is good for our local economy and a great place to meet new people who are passionate about what  they are doing.