Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Burger Blitz

Suddenly there is a plethora of burger joints popping up in downtown Victoria.  Ok, I exaggerate!  There have been three new joints that have opened in the last few months.  Opening within a few weeks does seem as if Victoria has been hit by a trend. 

Fat Burger opened across from Chapters on Douglas Street.  A step above MacDonalds, A&W and Burger King, Fat Burger serves beef, chicken, turkey and vegetarian burgers, a selection of toppings to please the palate.  Along with fries -- skinny, poutine, gravy or chili and free refilled drinks, as well as beer, margarites and shakes, there is a varied menu.  So far Fat Burger seems to be doing well, as I've never seen the place empty the times I've eaten there.  The food is certainly as step up if you don't want to go the faster food route.

In early January a group of us tried Bin 4 Burger for an evening meal.  I had the bean burger which was delicious!  The fries come with a selection of sauces. There is a wide selection of burgers from beef, chicken, lamb, vegetarian and tuna. With such a wide selection there was something for everyone in our group.  I did find Bin 4 rather noisy making it difficult to hear the great conversation.

We also went to Big Wheel in Cook Street.  The beef burger was good, as the beef was organic grass fed beef.  I'm not a big beef eater due to grain fed cattle and the horrible conditions cattle is raised to fatten them for market.  Not a large menu selection here and certainly nothing for vegetarians.  If you want a big juicy burger though, this is it!

1 comment:

Paula Johanson said...

Something I've always liked is a good homemade burger, or an upscale commercial burger. It's sad to see how many burgers look good in the ads for McDonald's or A&W, but just don't meet the taste test. And after writing Fake Foods: Fried, Fast, and Processed I have no excuses for eating anything but good burgers. Ever.
Thanks for checking out these new burger places in town!
What your post has really inspired me to do is to get Bernie to drag our barbecue over to the picnic tables in the park so that we can invite people to a Chilly Picnic. Homemade burgers really are the best!