This Saturday afternoon wasn't booked, which made it a perfect day to unpack the bread machine and use the bag of Pamelas Products wheat free bread mix I'd purchased last weekend at Planet Organic.
I put all the ingredients into the loaf pan, punched the buttons and after 15 minutes the machine started to mix it all together. I washed and dried some dishes by which time the machine was kneading the dough. Then I turned on my computer to check email and the bread started to bake. After 2-1/2 hours John and I checked the bread which was rising and baking just fine. We left to walk over to the mall to run some errands which took an hour. We returned home to the smell of freshly baked bread. I pulled the loaf pan out of the machine, let it cool for a while and began slicing it. One thing I'd read about some bread machines is the bread bakes with the kneading paddles in it and from online comments can create holes in the loaf and trouble getting the paddles out. Yes, the paddles did bake into the loaf and were easily located on the underside. All I had to do was slice the loaf around each end where the paddles were located and gently pull them out of the loaf. This allowed me to slice these ends into about two to three pieces without any damage to the overall slice shape.
The directions for a loaf of bread are very simple to follow. A bag will also make two 12 inch pizza crusts or approximately 7 bagels or two 9 inch pie crusts. The bag costs between $7.00-$8.00, a bit pricey for a loaf of bread maybe. A better deal if one is making the bagels, pizza dough or pie crusts. A product I would certainly use again.