Thursday, 24 April 2008

The issue of Food Security

Over on the other blog, Central Ganglion, Bernie has posted an interesting story on shortages in the US. Scary, really scary. Even today when I went to buy my muffin there was a note posted in UVic's Finnerty Express Cafe that due to the increase in the price of flour there was an increase in the price of muffins. This is bad news on the grain front, but the positive side of it is, I'm not going to indulge as often and that probably will be good for staying away from the "white stuff".

For years I've been amazed at how little we grow on the island. We have a great climate and yet we import a hell of a lot of our food. One of the reasons I selected my current abode was because there was a huge garden and a least 4 apple trees. I was greatly disappointed when the garden disappeared to plant more lawn and the apple tree was removed never to be replaced. I am going to be moving into an apartment block soon, with lots of light and I hope to grow herbs.

This summer I will be planting a vegetable garden in a plot I've obtained for free. I gave my UVic plot back and requested that it go to a student in residence on the waiting list. There is a community garden in Oak Bay on Montrieff. I live near there and I've noticed some plots are never planted. There is a 5 year waiting list to obtain a plot. I'm not sure if Oak Bay Municipality monitors the lot, but they should. If the plot isn't planted in one summer, then it should be passed to someone on the waiting list. UVic's Community Garden has a policy whereby you have to plant by the end of May. If you don't you lose your plot. I think that's fair.

The city needs more community gardens and roof tops to be converted for condo and apartment dwellers.

Another project is City Harvest.
SPIN farming -- see website for information

Still , we need to do more and we need to do it NOW!! Or are we too late already??

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